Chapter 4: Build to Last

We build because we want our business to last for a long time. No one would want to put significant effort into building something that will vanish quickly. Especially when it comes to building something that takes years of effort, time and money, it should be around for a long time.

It takes great vision, clarity of purpose and a relentless building effort to build something significant. Most of us already have that ability. For example, let's start with a project, like building your own house. If you want to build a house, you would certainly know how and why you build. 

Why are you building it? Is it for growing a family, for your retirement, for a vacation home? 

Why this neighborhood, this location, this hillside or seaside?

How many bedrooms, baths, parking spaces, floors?

How long would it take to build the foundation, the frame, the roof, the yard?

How much would it cost? Do you have the budget? Where is the source of money?

And more...

You would consider all of these factors carefully, get advice and make necessary decisions as well as take the proper action to get it done according to your vision, within budget and on schedule. Apparently, we are good with building a house. I wonder if we are that good with building a business and building our future!


So why do we build a business? I believe these are the major reasons.

You want to change. You're not satisfied with your current situation. No one will make any move unless they are unhappy with their life. You probably want to change jobs or career. Quite a few are also tired of their current business.

You want to win. You want to be somebody because you know you are somebody. This is the difference between winners and losers. Winners will find the way. You look in the mirror, and you don't like what you see. You know you can make things better. You will make the decision to change. 

You want to make a difference. You fight for the cause you believe in. You want to provide for your family and the people you care about. This is the source from which our powerful energy comes. We fight harder for the people we love much more than for ourselves. 

You have a dream and a clear vision of what the future looks like. You see what you want in vivid detail. You become positive and excited. 

You have a game plan, with definite goals and time frames. You know what you must do, the activities as well as the results. 

You want to build it big. You have a system. The system gives you and your organization confidence and predictability. You must have a system to duplicate. You learn, you follow, you submit to the system and you run the system. Then the system will run your business. 

You want to build something that lasts and to leave a legacy. This is the vision for your mission. This is how you maintain long-term focus and endurance and why you sacrifice. 


Whether building a house, a business or a future, every goal requires the same building principles: 

1. First, you build it in your mind.
2. Second, you build it on paper.
3. You actually build it.

Great builders build great legacies. They build and make a contribution for the future. That's who you are. You are the builder. You are the future.

Chapter 3     Chapter 5